Creative + Strategy

GEM’s creative process stems from a single belief - that brands grow at an optimal rate when they reach and convert more of their best customers.

A brand's best customers are those who spend the most money, most often, and consume the least amount of corporate resources. These best customers are natural advocates for your brand, and they drive earned media exposure in their daily interactions as they spread the word about the benefits of your products or services.

What Makes the Ideal Customer?

We painstakingly develop the ideal customer profile by engaging in interviews, focus groups and surveys. We drill down into what makes the ideal customer, what drives the ideal customer interaction, and which sentiments surround the decision-making process in the minds of your ideal customers.

Armed with the demographic, psychographic, and ethnographic profile of the ideal customer, we overlay the brand’s mission, vision and values to find the sweet spot of your conversion sentiment - in other words, the message or messages that emotionally impact the target audience and lead that audience from awareness to trial.

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