New Year, New You: Rebranding Not Resolutions
Posted Friday January 06th, 2017 by Gia Manalio-Bonaventura in Fun + Personal.
Research shows that by the end of the first week of January, over 27% of people have already given up on their New Year’s Resolutions. How are you doing?
This year, all of us GEMites have decided to take a different path: Instead of making resolutions, we’re rebranding. After all, we are all about marketing. But really, to put it in the most basic terms, isn’t rebranding about changing the way something is perceived? In that vein, aren’t resolutions ways of changing the way you are perceived, or that you perceive life?
The thing with resolutions is there is so much pressure to make them and even more pressure to keep them. Say, for example, your resolution was to eat healthier, but come January 4, you’re still eating holiday cookies for breakfast. The general mindset is that you do it right from the beginning or you give up and try again next year. Rebranding, on the other hand, is a process. There is an ebb and flow of trial and error, with it you understand that you don’t just become brand new over night (although wouldn’t that be nice).
In light of this new path, we asked the GEMites how they hoped to rebrand themselves this year. This is what they said:
Peter: Rebranding is all about matching perception to reality. This year, I'm being more honest with myself and my ultimate goals, and using that honesty as my #1 brand attribute!
Spencer: To shake the “Debbie Downer” reputation I seem to have gained here at GEM. And to stop sabotaging my fitness goals at the end of the year. Once fall hit, I was on a mission to screw it all up!
Lauren: This year, I want to stick to my 12 monthly goals that enhance my own development, helping me to be the best colleague, friend, sister, daughter, granddaughter, I can be, in as many ways as possible.
Caitlin: I want to do the things I always say I want to do; I'm not letting anything hold me back. I'm hoping this year I can rebrand myself into more of the responsible adult I want to be — basically get a handle on adulting. That sounds so bad, but like let's be real, I’m still not a full-on adult. Note: Who is, Caitlin, who is.
Alex: My rebrand for 2017 is to take ownership of who I am and what I do. It’s a perspective shift to motivate, inspire, clarify and drive my goals into fruition. I want to look at situations and ask myself what can I do or how can I contribute to move things in the right direction.
Anna: I want to rebrand myself as more of a creator this year. The solid goal is to write a book, even a first draft of one. But if I just end up writing (almost) every day, or drawing, and actually develop habits that allow me to create on a regular basis, I’ll consider it a success.
Ryan: 1. Health/fitness is on the top of my rebranding list as that is something I have let drastically decline with no monitoring. 2. General happiness: I want to really dive into what makes me happy and learn how to avoid situations where that can be disrupted/altered. 3. Travel: I want to see the world. If it isn't the world then I want to see new places around me, find new fun atmospheres, and meet great people along the way.
Dana: My guiding word for 2017 is fitness: physical, financial, spiritual, familial and more. Fitness to me is more proactive than simply “health” — it requires focus, training, dedication. And the rewards are health, strength, energy, capability …
Jonathan: For me it’s not going to be rebranding so much as brand evolution. I feel that communication, depiction and style are all fluid and evolving (at least with myself they are). It’s not going to be a year of inventing the wheel, just making it roll better.
Brian: Make a plan then work your plan.
Gia: I want to do more of the things that make me happy and spend less time in front of the TV playing Candy Crush. My top priorities are eating better; writing more of my personal stuff (including getting my book out there); and gaining back, and surpassing, the confidence I had skating before I shattered my arm.
Arty: In everything I do, I'd like to be more confident and learn to operate more in the present.
Joe: My only goal is to get up, get through the day, and make sure my kids are all tucked into bed, happy and healthy at the end of the day.
Chris: Focus on balance of body, mind and spirit with activities and continued new learning for each.
How will you rebrand yourself in 2017? However you do it, everyone at GEM wishes you a happy, healthy and successful new year!
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